
My Harem

Guys, you have no idea how difficult it was to pick only eight people. I had to drop so many guys from my list. DAMN YOU, INTERNET MEME. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME CHOOOOOSE?

And yeah, I know some of these guys aren't even from anime. I DON'T CARE. MY HAREM, MY RULES. BAM.


  1. Hehehe I looove that scene from Street Fighter II V. ^^v

  2. Oh, so do I. Believe ME, so do I. ;D

  3. Half of your guys have headbands!

  4. I must have a headband fetish!

    Ryu usually wears one too, so it's even 5/8.

  5. Wakka :D!
    What about gumshoe :X?

  6. Gumshoe needs some love here.

  7. For me, Takamura is the perfect/hottest choice there. XD Only, you'd totally have to take up boxing so that he's guaranteed to lay his hands on your python, whether you like it or not. >_>

  8. I haven't played any of the Phoenix Wright series, so alas but Gumshoe is still just a name and a face for me! (though it is a cute one)

    . . . hopefully Takamura doesn't love as roughly as he fights.

  9. mine are:
    - Ryu, because he is totally my first crush, with his cool and silent attitude, it makes me wanna tie him up, rip his ougi and taste his skin!!
    - Joe Higashi, because he bare his ass to mock his opponent
    - Itsuki (from HWS), because he is too damn cute, innocent, so much potential to be discovered
    - Batsu (from rival schools). What could I say? Badass type is also in my list.

  10. I totally agree on Takamura and Joe Higashi! They're yummy, hehe!

  11. Nice harem, ^;^ but... *Grabs mallet* Back off bitch, wakka is mine! *starts swinging the mallet around threateningly* MUHAHAHA! I've drawn almost a fifth of all the wakka yaoi fan art out their (though most of it sucks T-T) so i claim him. you can barrow him when i'm not using him though. lol. :3

  12. Oh, and for my wakka art (which again, isn't that good) go here: http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/gallery/yaoimutt/wakka/ (you need to sign in to see the adult art)

  13. Hm.... Mine would be.... Komamura (Bleach), an Arcanine (Pokémon), Kouga (Inuyasha), Gen (Kekkaishi), Leomon (Digimon), Garurumon (Digimon), Regal Bryant (Tales of Symphonia), Toriko (... I'm shamless, considering I never saw him before here and don't know the anime). As should be evident, the Furry is strong within me, lol. (Considering that 6 of 8 are animals, anthropomorpic, or able to become one of those.)
