
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

Haven't watched this show, but from what I've seen from the character designs I might be interested?


  1. Kenichi = manly fanservice.

  2. I love this show. It's totally worth watching, even if you have to ignore Miu and all the ecchi that occurs. It's too drool-inducing to not watch.

  3. lots and lots of muscle-bound guys everywhere you turn in kenichi, and I enjoyed the storyline too. (but you need to ignore Miu in those tight outfits she wears) >_<

  4. You've got to watch Kenichi. The story's okay, it's been done countless of times. The plot also gets kinda dumb at times. However, the men are freaking beautiful!!!
    Just a heads up, the show focuses on female hotness as much as they do male, I'd swear a bi guy wrote this.
