
Grunge: The College Years

Yeah, that's right. The perpetually thick-witted Grunge actually got in some higher education sometime in Gen13's early run. And, just like any vapid teen college flick, we got some half-naked fanservice to go with it!

This last picture is my favorite of the bunch. Not only does it mix my Grunge-fetish with my Frat-fetish, it also offers canonical proof that Grunge has been paddled. Oh, thank you ever so much for pleasuring my libido, comic-writers.


  1. Sadly, Gen 13 isn't published no more in France (yeah, I'm french),so I thank you a lot to make me see one of my favorite ever hot heroe! :-)

  2. Ooh, you're a fellow Gen13 reader? Awesome! A Grunge fanboy is a Grunge fanboy, regardless of nationality. ;]

  3. Great ! Great ! Great ! & it's true that so many publications of that kind disappeared all of sudden ! So bad ! But as usual you make wonders boy !
