
Kochikame: Bungee Jumping

You guys know you've missed these.

So as part of his police swat training or whatever Ryotsu has to practice jumping from a height with a cord attached to him. (in other words, bungee jumping)

But in typical Ryotsu fashion he fucks it up!

Why do I say typical, you ask . . . ?

Well, because it involves him becoming naked for purely Looney Tuney reasons.

Why do the straps give way and he falls out of his suit? Why did he apparently have no clothes on underneath? Simple. Because the animators wanted you to see Ryo-san's round 'n hairy butt again.


Well, at least he seems happy to be alive.

And lucky for Ryotsu, public nudity is not grounds for expulsion from the program.

But no, they won't lower your suit down so you can get dressed again.

Oh, don't give me that face. You should be used to this by now. It's not like you haven't been publicly nude like 200 times before this anyway.

 May as well get used to it! This is your lot in life.


  1. Ok, I'm just gonna have to ask, where can I download these episodes? I've looked everywhere on the internet, but no luck. Can you help me out here?

  2. the episodes were for download from here http://www.tusdivx.com but since megaupload no work anymore i don't know. do you have the episodes soupgoblin? maybe you can put episodes for download again please?

  3. oh, but episodes are in spanish, so maybe you no understand, but i do :) it is no difficult to understand episodes because they are so funny

  4. Is it just me, or does he look a lot like the short character from Sansyo wa Kotsubude?
