

Sorry for the lack of posts lately guys. Hahah, I feel lately like I do these 'apology' posts more often than regular ones. To be totally honest, I just haven't been in the mood lately to put one together, even though I have looooads of stuff I could do them on. Like Uvogin from Hunter x Hunter. Mmmm, Uvogin.

Also been a bit preoccupied lately with thoughts concerning me and my romantic prospects. Not to give too much depressing information, but at this rate I'm going to die cold, alone, and untouched. Anyone in the Tri-State area interested in dating a skinny scruffy white guy obsessed with spanking, buff cartoon men, playing video games, and general nerditry? If so, drop me a line!

No, seriously. Drop me a line. My e-mail's on the sidebar.

As for the rest, well, I'll see if I can do a 'real' post soon. Until then.


  1. Buck up, man! You'll be just fine. No one really knows what's going to happen tomorrow. Except psychics, I guess. Damn psychics!

  2. Dont' sweat it, I do hope for a real "real" post but it can wait a little longer, good luck with your quest dude

  3. ....Wait....

    Define "tri-state area" lol.

    1. The one which includes New York. ;p

    2. So would that be the NJ/NY/PA one, the CT/MA/NY one or the MA/NY/VT one?


    3. I was REFERRING to the most common one, WOHDIN. That being...

      'The most frequently referenced tri-state area is that associated with the New York metropolitan area, which covers parts of the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.'

      But it's not like I'm THAT picky about location if someone happens to fall outside that range. As long as it's like . . . possible to meet via car without taking vacation time.

    4. Damned ... Japan is too far ... :'(

  4. aww too bad your in New York, You sound like someone i can have fun with. If you'd like you can hit me up via skype

  5. ...wait, where at in the NYC area?

  6. Depends on the direction! (As for me, I'm in NJ - Bergen County to be exact, so a little over half an hour outside of New York.)

    1. REALLY.

      I'm in Orange County, New York. According to Google Maps we're about an hour apart.

    2. Sorry, I was like totally dead yesterday, so I didn't get back to you. Where at in Orange?

      By the way - it should be obvious by my Blogspot account, but i.nightblade (at) gmail (dot) com.

  7. we should start a club... I feel the same/am in the same situation... well except for the location... and country... btw... just and FMI how old are you?

    1. The lonely hearts club!

      And I'm 28.

    2. I'm 29 ! =D

      can I join the club ?

      The man of my life don't want a long relationship nor live together ...

    3. wow... I'm actually the youngest... I'm 23... I feel bad for you Helios, that must really suck. I have never been in a relationship, nor did I ever touched another man:))... (gee that could be extended to person actually)

  8. don't worry for posting, you got tumblr

  9. Meanwhile, way the hell down in Virginia...

    A lonesome young man with a garishly weeaboo username watches in anguish as the man for whom he cares so much cries out for the affection that he is too far away to give.
    Powerless to help, he turns away as pained tears begin to hang in his eyes...

  10. ehh you posted you picture a while back, and you're kinda smoking hot. soo i'm sure you'll meet someone ^_^ even the deep wonderful nice guys can be shallow at first ^_^
