
Police Action

Policemen are great! They enforce laws and catch crooks and--

Oh! Y-you meant that kind of action.


Let's see what we got.


  1. I spetially like the Absolutblue one, `cause seems like the Police Bottom its having LOTS of fun XDDDDD

  2. what do you mean absolutblue and where is the manga picture from

  3. Hey Croup, can i have the source to the first, second, and second to last pictures (im pretty sure they're all the same artist), please? Thank you.

  4. Anon - Absolutebleu would be the artist who drew the picture Yabuki's talking about. It's around the center, I think.

    And funny, I was about to ask that same question (about the manga cap) myself - I am SURE that's a Matsu thing from the art style, but I'm not sure what it is.

    Inumaru - They look like something from an Underground Campaign game, if I had to guess. Actually, I think they are.

  5. It's from that one sequel (well, not really a sequel, side-story spinoff?) to Crime Scene Investigation. C'mon you guys. C'mon.

  6. oh you mean the one with the cop smiling like yeah

  7. that 7th to last pic(cop getting banged in ripped pants), where is it from?

  8. ...and here I was thinking I knew everything about Matsu.

    Apparently I was wrong.

    (Though, to be fair, I've kind of been looking at a lot of Jiraiya lately and not so much at my Matsu stuff. So I'm a bit rusty.)

  9. Ok how about the game .. i tried to download several games but I couldn't understand a single shape LOL .. I really would like to know it it is a real game the one with the green button

  10. what does the 12th picture say? the one with the guy in glasses being manhandled... I'm so intrigued!
