

Hello all! I've got a few new things for you about where I'm hanging and what I've been working on.

First of all, my previous twitter page is no more. You can find me now at Spankicorn where I continue to post all manner of content. Whether it's muscle men caps from anime and comics, commissions I get, my character's furry adventures, or just chilling with friends. Basically whatever strikes my fancy! Follow me there if you'd like updates on my various travails~


Secondly, I've been doing a podcast with my great friend Syd! We've been reviewing every episode of Disney's Gargoyles, with special focus on every time Goliath flexes his big muscles or his loincloth rides up to expose his butt. As of now we've completed the entire first season. For a fun time listening to two nerds talk about things that turn them on, check out The Loincloth Hour! You can also follow us on twitter

Lastly, I've got a youtube page now! I post a variety of male fanservice clips there, many of which I've previously covered on this blog. So if you've ever wondered what the original context was for some of what I've featured, and whether it was really as gay as I made it sound, head on over to Manservice! and find out!

Think that's all for now. Thanks again for following me, everyone. Just because I don't update here regularly anymore doesn't mean I'm not still active elsewhere, bringing the joys of bara to the world. Also keep on the lookout for the eventual release of Argus the Werewolf Spanker part 3...