Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was pretty much the coolest cartoon ever.

Lean green fighting machines. They were teenagers! They were turtles! They were . . . ninjas! And I can still recite the theme song! Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power!

Named after Renaissance painters! Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello!

I never did get to see the new cartoon. Or the er, even newer CG movie. A shame!

I'm more familiar with the old cartoon that I watched as a kid. A more innocent time with friendlier, more rounded turtles.

Or the live action version. (what?)

Though I
hear the original comics were totally badass, so I'm kinda happy that each new animated iteration is getting progressively darker.

I'll always think fondly of them as those carefree pizza lovers though~!

Not that that's ever stopped me from porning it up with 'em. (what?)
But wouldn't the shells get in the way . . . ? Oh well! That's something else I don't think about.

Their sexual activities aren't limited to just their own freakish, mutated species though!

Casey Jones!

My favorite was always Don.